October 24, 2022
The meeting began at 5:30 on Monday October 24th at the Tesuque Elementary School.Present were TVCA board members Lynn Pickard, Cam Duncan, Jeanne Boyles and Bruce McAllister. Also present were other TVCA members and neighbors of the Santa Fe Institute property including David Dougherty, Margo Cutler, Rachel White, Jack Jackson, Richard Wittington, Michelle Cutrer, Jamie Gagan, Debbie McAllister, Keith Obermaier, John McCrory,Michael Beasley, and others who came in late. Also present was soon to be county commissioner Justin Greene.Principal Cheryl Romero opened the meeting by thanking the group for caring about the community and the school and by giving an update on the declining enrollment and aftereffects of the Coronavirus pandemic on their operation. Since they have been unable to offer a Pre-Kindergarten program for three years, the enrollment is now only 60 students. Previously Pre-K had been a source of new students. Tesuque school now has only four teachers and has had to combine classes, with the principal serving as the teacher for grades 5 and 6 in addition to her other duties. Principal Romero asked that all present try to spread the word that this is agood small school with the ability to give students individual attention, and to encourage parents to consider transferring their children into the Tesuque School system.
According to the Agenda provided by TVCA Co-Chair Lynn Pickard, the meeting then proceeded.
1. The Approval of Minutes from the previous meeting had already been done by email.
2. The Treasurer’s Report by Jeanne Boyles stated that the current fund total is $2,727.55. Of this amount, the sum of $1,413.34 had been previously donated specifically for future legal fees. Jeanne also reported that she had just closed the TVCA PO Box to save $156 per year. Dues should now be sent to her home address at 1532 Bishop’s Lodge Road, Santa Fe, NM87506.
3. Planning for continuing TVCA’s activities: Lynn pointed out that the terms of directors Cam Duncan, Jerry Barron, Chris Ortega, John O’Connor,Bruce McAllister and Annie Laurie Coogan will expire in December 2022 and that they will need to be replaced by new ones or voluntarily continue. John has resigned and Chris has not attended meetings, so is deemed to have resigned. Looking a little farther ahead in December 2023 the terms of Richard Renaldo, Kathleen Jimenez, Cathie Sullivan, Jeanne Boyles and Lynn Pickard will expire. Lists of their duties were included inthe agenda and the group was asked to think about who could replace them and take on their responsibilities. It was also suggested that the organization could consider reducing the number of directors required by the bylaws.
4. Debriefing of Neighborhood Zoom Meeting re the Santa Fe Institute and decision on TVCA’s approach: An extended discussion was held about SFI’s plans to add an auditorium, recent construction activities, bridge noise and what TVCA’s response should be. Many suggestions were made by those present at the meeting which included concerned neighbors.
5. There was no report on the progress towards creating a new website as Jerry Barron was not present.
6. Rachel White has graciously agreed to take over coordination of the Firewise Program from Cathie Sullivan. She asked that people send her information about the number of hours and associated costs related to fire risk reduction that they have expended in the last year before the mid-November deadline. (rachel3white@gmail.com). She will send an email out to the membership shortly. Rachel also mentioned that last year Tesuque far exceeded the minimum expenditure required and that under the current conditions most residents seem to recognize how critical this effort is.
7. Cam Duncan, Co-Chair of TVCA and the BBQ committee, reported that a well-attended BBQ was held at the Fire Station in mid-September. This was the first time it had been possible in three years and around 225 dinners were served for a cost of just under $900. 20 new members joined TVCA and a little money was raised for the largely volunteer firefighters. Apparently, they are concerned that their numbers have diminished by half in recent years, and they wished that more residents would volunteer for the training. Fifteen or twenty people contributed desserts or side dishes to the dinner and there was good support from Bishop’s Lodge and Four Seasons Rancho Encantado as there had been in previous years, as well as some support from El Nido and the Village Market. Cam added that this event is not only popular, but a very good way to support the community and the firefighters.
8. Report on the Community Plan and changes to the SLDC: There was a brief discussion about the completion of the recent three-year planning process. Justin Greene commented that he liked the language about the fences and walls and wished that it could be used in other communities.He also wished that there had been a more specific list of requests for future projects that might qualify for ICIP funds. High on his list of priorities would be the inclusion of broadband improvements when the pipeline for the regional water system is buried through Tesuque.9. Report on signs and road study: Lynn explained that she had been in touch with several county departments to get approval for the placement of three signs. They would make drivers aware when they are entering the Traditional Historic Village of Tesuque. The Traffic Study of Bishop’s Lodge Road and Tesuque Village Road that started this summer is nearly complete. The tentative results will be delivered Thursday October 27th at4 PM via a Webex meeting facilitated by Brett Clavio at Santa Fe County (gbclavio@santafecountynm.gov).
10. Enforcement issues: The county has hired a new code enforcement officer who has a background in law enforcement. Lynn had a recent meeting with him and learned that he had cited a house on Bishop’s Lodge Road that had done quite a lot of recent work without a permit.
11. The annual meeting of the TVCA and election of new officers will be held on Monday December 5th at 5:30 PM.
12. New Wastewater Treatment system for Bishop’s Lodge: Justin Greene gave background information on the proposal that the current owners of Bishop’s Lodge have made to the SF County. They would like to be given a low interest loan to build a new wastewater treatment system on the property. At present all waste is being “pumped and dumped”frequently. The Board of County Commissioners have the proposal on their agenda for October 25th, 2022 and Justin is concerned about the speed with which it has been put forward and whether with more time it might be reconsidered as part of a community system.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:10 PM.