March 7, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. at the home of Jeanne Boyles, 1532 Bishops Lodge Road. Present were Directors Lynn Pickard, Kathleen Jimenez, Jeanne Boyles, Cathie Sullivan, Annie Laurie Coogan, and Richard Renaldo. Cam Duncan and Jerry Barron had sent reports to Lynn and also gave her their proxies. Thus, there was a quorum. Also present were community members Margo Cutler, Jaimie Painter, David Dougherty, and Rachel White.
Minutes and Treasurer’s Report – Lynn reminded everyone that the minutes of the last meeting were approved by email. Jeanne gave the treasurer’s report, which was that there was $3319.55 in the bank account of which
$1431.21 is reserved for attorney fees.
Selection of Officers – Lynn described that we usually selected officers at the first board meeting after new directors were elected. She proposed that the officers remain the same as in the previous two years: Lynn and Cam, co-chairs; Jeanne, treasurer; and Bruce, corresponding secretary.
Everybody agreed. Lynn expressed that she’d like help from someone taking notes so that she could better draft the minutes. Margo volunteered to do this after the meeting. They will see how it goes.
Firewise – Margo reported that Rachel White has volunteered to be the point person for the Firewise effort. Lynn and Cathie agreed to help her. Lynn reminded everyone that the Firewise program requires a governing committee, and that when we first began participation in the program, it was determined that the TVCA board would be that committee.
Website – Jerry reported in writing to Lynn the following: The visual and navigation parts of the site are essentially ready and functional, I just need photos and written content to have something meaningful and substantial to present to you. The most important parts of the site to populate that I
don’t feel I can take care of myself: 1. About, 2. History, 3. Mission, 4. Photos. I think if we have these items written and approved, the site should be publishable. We need at least 20 or so strong photos. After discussion and solicitation of volunteers, Richard agreed to work with Jerry on the content of the website. Lynn forwarded Jerry’s report to Richard on the spot so that Richard would have Jerry’s contact information. The plan is to have the website ready to be approved at the May 9 combined board and community meeting.
Signs – The planning process seems to be slowing down, so it was suggested that we move on the signs in a manner that would be simpler and perhaps easier to accomplish. Margo agreed to contact the county for permission to put a historical marker across from the fire station, then contact the Department of Cultural Affairs that puts up these signs to see if they will do one similar to the Agua Fria one, then contact the county to see if they will make and put up three signs of the sort now in front of the Glenn Green Gallery that would say “Welcome to the Traditional Historic Village of Tesuque,” at the three entrances to the Tesuque Overlay area. If the county does not want to make them, the TVCA treasury can be used to purchase them. The bulletin board idea has been put on hold for the time being since the website is in progress and the signs are a priority.
Traffic calming, road blading, Arroyo Griego –Jamie Painter (blading/Arroyo Griego) reported that after he made Katherine Miller aware of the problem with blading on Arroyo Griego, the county grader was blading the road in a timely and proactive fashion. Lynn reminded the group that the county had contracted for a traffic safety study and it would likely take six months to get it, after which it would be presented to us and other interested people. There was a discussion of speed bumps, whether they were feasible in light of the speed limit and snow removal, lowering the speed limit, and putting up stop signs. Speeding and traffic noise are issues on everyone’s mind. [There was another accident on Bishops Lodge Road near the lower Little Tesuque Creek crossing that took out part of a stone wall.]
BBQ – Cam reported that he was in touch with JD Damron, the fire chief, and they were looking at reinstituting the BBQ in late August or September. Richard reported that he was in touch with Cam and they will head up the BBQ committee.
Enforcement issues – Lynn reported on several complaints that she had made, but noted that our enforcement officer had been promoted to another department and had notified her that complaints should be made on the county’s form and submitted in that way. She sought the group’s permission to drop complaints that either did not seem to have merit (the new fences at 1447 Bishops Lodge Road seems to be within the existing code (3’ tall within 25’ of the road and 6’ tall beyond)) or that appeared not obtrusive and instead consistent with surroundings (the partial new fence and gate at 1352 Bishops Lodge Road). In addition, the Shidoni property sale has closed and concerns about real estate advertising are really not within code enforcement’s purview. Lynn will represent the complaints about 1345 Bishops Lodge Road (multiple violations of building without a
permit and in contravention of the code), 1530 Bishops Lodge Road (multiple dwellings in violation of the code), and 1524A Bishops Lodge Road (violations of agreement that allowed Mountain Center to be permitted to operate in the residential zone). There was a discussion of
notifying Tesuque property owners of the existence of and highlights (maybe four or five of them) of the new code when it is adopted, with everyone agreeing that it would be a good idea.
United Communities of Santa Fe County – People thought it would be a good idea for TVCA to be a part of this, but no one wanted to be the liaison. Lynn said that she would join TVCA to UCSF and participate to the extent of her bandwidth, which was not very great for this issue.
Future meetings – There will be a combined general membership and board meeting at 5:30 on May 9, again at Jeanne’s home. Hopefully the weather will be good and we can meet outside.
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 6:40.