May 22, 2023
The meeting began with socializing at the home of Jeanne Boyles. Community members Shirley
LNU and Pam Porcella as well as board member Lynn Pickard brought snacks and wine, and
Jeanne also offered wine, beer, and water. Big thanks to all of them. Present were board
members Lynn Pickard, Jeanne Boyles, Bruce MacAllister, Kathleen Jimenez, and Jake
Clemens. Lynn had proxies for Cam Duncan, Jerry Barron, and Richard Renaldo. In addition to
Shirley and Pam, other community members present were Mike Beasley, Kevin McBride, and
later Bruce and Sabrina Staires. Therefore, there was a quorum of both the board (six required)
and general membership (seven required).
Minutes and Treasurer’s Report – The minutes of the February meeting were approved, and
Jeanne said that the IRS filing was complete. The treasury has a total of $4137.55 of which
$2143.21 is reserved for legal fees and $1994.34 is available for other purposes, including the
Lynn reported on the following:
Nothing is happening to her knowledge on conforming the Code to the updated Community
Plan. General disappointment was expressed about the responsiveness and sense of urgency from
County staff on this and various other matters, whether due to staff shortages, overwork, staff
turnover, or other issues.
There are no formal development requests pending or any communications from the County on
follow up to prior complaints. Nor are there pending requests for Code enforcement. Lynn said
that if anyone had Code enforcement issues, they should go to the County’s website and follow
the procedures outlined there for lodging a complaint. Lynn said that the Land Use Committee
had approved in principle Jerry’s desire for a height variance, but that past approvals had only
occurred after formal neighborhood notification. She also said that if other people wanted height
variances that are in accordance with what the Planning Committee had proposed and which
should be incorporated into the Code when County staff are done with their work and the BCC
approves, they should seek them and would likely find favor with the TVCA LUC.
There is nothing more to be done about the Santa Fe Institute at the present time so there will be
no further reporting on it.
Lynn and Jeanne attended a Traffic Advisory Committee meeting at which the Tesuque Road
Study was addressed, mainly issues relating to the Arroyo Griego and Triangle area, where much
needs to be done to address the many issues at that location. It is a long-term project, as is the
proposal to create medians with signage for traffic calming. There are a number of shorter-term
projects that were not addressed with any urgency, although Lynn wrote to County staff, with
copy to the chair of the TAC. The chair seemed sympathetic to developing a list of short-term
projects that could be undertaken this season, like striping the sides of the road, maintenance,
using bigger speed signs, the three-way stop at Big Tesuque Canyon, and having more speed
feedback signs.
Three small brown “Welcome” signs have been installed by the County. Lynn continues to work
with the historical preservation folks on getting a historical marker.
The County and Tesuque Pueblo seem to be moving forward toward reopening the transfer
station on Pueblo land. In response to the TVCA request or otherwise, about 80 people wrote to
County Commissioner Justin Greene expressing the strong desire to have the transfer station
reopened. Commissioner Greene is very much in favor and is helping with the negotiations. The
matter may be discussed at the BCC regular meeting on May 30, but as of May 22, no agenda for
this meeting had been posted on the County website.
With regard to TVCA administration, the following were discussed or agreed on:
Bruce will develop a procedure for recusal and notification for matters before the Land Use
Committee on which a committee member might have an interest. It will be along the lines of
what he previously wrote – that interested parties will recuse from discussion and voting on these
matters, and if the matter is contentious or potentially adversarial, the interested person will get
notice of the time or manner of meetings and the result, but will otherwise not be privy to what
could be confidential discussions of strategy and the like. All directors and community members
present approved of this procedure.
There is a website that is up and running in draft form, for which we owe Jerry a giant debt of
gratitude. However, certain matters have not been posted to it (the 2011 amendments to the
bylaws and the agenda for this meeting for example) and the contact form does not appear to be
properly working. Sabrina and Bruce (with Sabrina taking the lead) will form a subcommittee
with Jerry to get these issues resolved so that the website can go live and people can use it and
rely on it.
Cam communicated to Lynn that he had been in touch with Richard and they are working on the
BBQ to be held either at the end of August or end of September at the fire station. The
community members present did not express a preference for date. Cam also asked for
volunteers for announcement signs, set up, welcome table, and clean up. Sabrina, Mike, Jeanne,
Kathleen, and Kevin tentatively volunteered.
The next meetings are a board meeting on October 2 and a combined board and community
meeting, at which new directors will be elected, on December 4.